Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Shadow

It's been a strange weekend for me -- Ben and Evan went on a church father and son camping/canoe weekend, and Joel is at my mom's house (he did NOT want to go with Ben because he's afraid of the canoe?!) so it's just been Drew and me at home. And Drew is now my little shadow. Every where I go, there he is. I took a shower, he's turning the bathroom lights off and on; I'm in the kitchen making oatmeal, he's helping; I even mowed the yard and he actually walked behind me!! (OK, he didn't walk behind me for long, but I could not believe he even did it for a minute.) He seems so lost without his brothers, but at the same time he loves the attention I'm giving him.

This weekend we played Old Maid and Cariboo; read numerous books; went on a bike ride, got ice cream; went to a family movie night at a local church (he stayed up until 11 p.m. -- I'm guessing this will be the first thing he tells his brothers because they all usually go to bed between 7 and 8 p.m.); and he even got to sleep with me.

I' love for my littlest 4-year-old boy; it's so nice to have this "alone" time with him.

It's been a nice, calm weekend with just one child. I forgot what it's like not to yell at someone for an entire weekend! But, there's always tomorrow when everyone will be home. :-)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

So glad it was a fun weekend for the two of you!!! He sure is a cute little shadow!