After the flight, the people at the small airport gave drew a little airplane for him to play with. The kid played with that little toy for over an hour all by himself (after some aerodynamic flight tips from Grandpa of course). Drew was completely in his element; it made me smile just to see him so happy -- and without any older brothers bothering him. 

Recently someone asked me what energizes me as a mom. My answer: spending time with just ONE child. Yesterday's outing with Drew re-confirmed that with me because I found myself falling in love with Drew all over again. (The honeymoon didn't last long -- this morning he was spanked once and in a time-out twice!)

I wish I could have witnessed the outing! Tell the boys Mindy says Hi.
Oh my gosh! How did you pull this off? This makes all my mom/child outings seem REALLY lame...
Carrie you have been given such gifts in your kids. You have done such a good job maybe I need to send Josh and Beck up to you to finish raising!!! Tell Drew that his great aunt debbie used to fly in a helicopter
Awesome! I had no idea there was such a thing in this area!
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