Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home Makeover

Our house enjoyed a makeover this past week with every single wall on the first floor getting a fresh coat of paint. Even the deck got "prettied up." Check out the new look! Anyone want to buy a house?


In the life of an Olin...... said...

Wow~ Carrie-it looked great before, but I really love the new colors! :)

Stacey said...

Wowie!!! It looks amazing! I love the colors and the way she arranged the furniture. It won't sit long, that's for sure! :)

Jessica said...

It looks lovely! Some smart buyer will snatch it up quickly!

Anonymous said...

It's been so long, that I still thought you lived in that itty, bitty house in Toledo! Duh!

Congratulations on the move to Reno. I'll tell my mom when she complains that I live in Canada, that I could be living in Reno instead. ;)

You'll be fabulous at the Bunny Ranch.