Drew had been riding his bike with training wheels to school almost every day to drop off Evan and Joel, and then we would make the return trip in the afternoon to pick-up Joel. The total for each day is 3 miles! When he got really good at pedaling, I moved the training wheels up a little so that he had to balance a little more. Then one day I took the training wheels off completely. After chasing Drew through the house (he took off RUNNING when he saw me take them off), I grabbed him, put him on the bike, gave him a push and OFF he went down the street! I couldn't believe how well he did! As soon as he got back to where I was standing he said, "Can I show Kristen?" (our neighbor) and then "Can I tell Kaitlin and Whitney and Joshua?" (church friends). He wanted the world to know that he was on two wheels!
As Drew was riding around, Evan asked, "How many (old) was Joel when he learned to ride a bike?" Then, "How many is Drew?" Then came, "I should be able to do it too." So Evan got on the bike, grabbed the handle-bars and immediatly jumped back OFF the back. "Instead I'm not." haha! I guess peer-pressure doesn't affect Evan too much.
Here is Drew showing his "V" for victory sign

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