Sunday, April 26, 2009

Evan's Career Goal it is...Evan's lifetime career goal via another preschool project. This one was posted on the wall for ALL the other moms and dads to see. On the left side of the picture is a chair for his clients. In Evan's left hand is hair gel. Of course, what else would you expect a hair dresser to have in his hand?!

OK, so maybe Evan being a hair dresser isn't exactly what I had planned for my son, but at least I'm not Haley's mom -- Haley wants to be a hula-hooper!

Side comment:
Why does the chair in Evan's picture look exactly like his hand? And would I allow a man with wild googly eyes and hair like THAT do MY hair?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh my gosh! I'm seriously laughing SO hard that I'm crying! Too funny!!!!