This year I'm thankful for a wonderful family, a house, church and friends I love and I'm thankful that we still live in Ohio and not Reno! I'm also thankful for missionaries like our friends Drs. Tom and Karen Asher who are leaving this week to serve for three years in Sierra Leone, Africa. Thank you God for people like them who have a heart for Africa and are willing to follow your great commission.
For what are you thankful this year?
Jeff & I get so upset and frustrated with our house & stuff that we need. But we are learning to enjoy and appreciate what we do have, rather than what we want or need. I know that sounds so...I can't think of the word...but we really mean it.
I am thankful for just about everything I can think of... the list is endless. I am most thankful that Becky had Thanskgiving at her house and I didn't have to clean mine.Yeaaaaaaa!!!!
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