Thursday, November 27, 2008

Announcing an Addition to the White House

Yes, it's true, we have a new addition to the White House -- "Cheesy" is Evan's new hamster. Isn't he cute?! Evan has been begging for a mouse or a gerbil, but I hate tails; since hamsters have no tails, Evan and I compromised and he got Cheesy for his 5th birthday. I was very reluctant to get another pet -- we already have our geriatric goldfish, Dorothy and our cat, Millie -- a card-carrying member of AARP (or is it AARC?) and quite honestly, I have absolutely NO "need to be needed" and didn't really need another creature looking to me for care. But, I finally gave in to a hamster when Ben agreed to clean the cage (he promises to clean it once a week).

Now here's the secret -- I'm the one who has bonded with this rodent; I now officially love him. Evan wants Cheesy in his room at night, but after Evan is asleep, I go and get the little thing out of it's cage and hold and play with him. He's SOOOO cute! Shhh! Don't tell Ben I love the hamster, he might make ME clean the cage. mwahaha (evil laughing)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That little thing is SO cute! You were right. It is adorable. No wonder you fell in love with it. Now Mia thinks she should have one. ugh! Thanks!