Is it just me or does anyone else love it when their nails look nice?
Over Spring break Whitney and Kaitlin came for a visit -- they are the "tween" daughters of my friend, Cheri. They love taking turns spending the night at our house because they like hanging out with my boys (and of course they love me too -- cough, cough). Lord ONLY knows why?! I'm pretty sure that as a young girl I would NOT have chosen to play with three little boys (unless of course they had a very cute older brother....). Anyway, when they are here, I can come and go as I please and they baby-sit for me; it's like I have an all-day "hall pass." One day I went grocery shopping and ran errands and another day I got a mani/pedi combo at the Asian nail salon just down the road. It was SPRING BREAK for me too thanks to Kaitlin and Whitney!
Ever since my manicure my nails have started to grow in so nicely. For me, pretty fingernails ranks just above a great dinner out and just below a freshly styled salon hair-do. When my nails begin to grow I polish them constantly favorite thing is...clicking them on the counter or the car steering wheel. Why?! I don't know, I just love the sound they make. I think it makes me feel pretty.
Now, when I say that my nails are "growing," I simply mean that I can just barely see the nail tips peeking over my fingertips. I've never had long nails and quite frankly, they would get in my way. One time in my life I had fake nails and I loved them, but they do tend to get in the way of some personal hygiene if they are too long.
Side note: Have you ever noticed that the fatter the woman, the longer the fingernails? Does she think they are like high heels and will make her look thinner? I think there is some of that thinking in me: "If I paint my nails a blazing hot pink, no one will notice the size of my butt."
Now I must go and polish my little fingernails and then click away on the counter.