Friday, February 29, 2008

My Resting Heart Rate

Now, I know you all are thinking, "What in the WORLD is she blogging about NOW?! And why in the heck do we care?!" But I have to share my exercising success story with you people who love and care about me so much.

I want you to know that I have been faithfully exercising FIVE times a week since just before Thanksgiving and I am so proud of myself for that. HOWEVER, I have not lost any weight, nor are my jeans fitting any looser. I was getting depressed about that until just recently when I took my resting heart rate -- it has dropped SEVEN beats/minute! What does this mean? This means even though I don't look any better on the outside, I am getting beautiful on the inside (and everyone knows "it's what's inside that counts"). I may die of obesity, but I surely won't die of a heart attack anytime soon. Wahoo!


In the life of an Olin...... said...

LOL! You're great!!!!!

Deborah Shurtz Higginbotham said...

Carrie I am 400 sticks of butter to big. my heart rate is 60-65 resting. My cardiologist tells me that on paper I am a thin, vegan marathon runner. I am losing weight by the slowest but i only work out 3-4 days a week but your cousin Josh busts my butt each time. I discovered that if i didnt eat 4 donuts each day I would lose weight!!!!! who would have thunk it!!!!!
love auntie big butt

Stacey said...

That is really good Carrie! I'm jealous!!! I pointed at myself in the mirror just today and said, "Stacey, lose this weight for your knees, your back and your heart, DOUFOUS!"