Once again I am proud to "announce" that I accomplished my goal of working out 5 times this week! Yahoo! Tuesday was looking bad -- I couldn't figure out how to get to the YMCA because of a sick kid and a busy schedule, so Ben came home from work over lunch so that I could get to the Y. What a great guy!
I am so tired from all my exercise that I went to bed at 8 p.m. last night! I'm feeling much more energetic today.
Now, I just have to figure out how to give up my night-time snacks -- then I might actually lose some weight. I'll have to wait until January 1 to make that resolution. I can't do it ALL now -- then I wouldn't have anything to "resolve" for 2008.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Ode To Evan

Evan is so much fun to be around -- he finds a friend wherever he goes -- and he gets so excited and animated about everything. One little boy, Matthew, in Evan's preschool class particularly likes him because Matthew, who has major speech delays, knows sign language and apparently when Evan waves his hands excitedly about something, the boy interprets Evan's hand gestures for the sign for "play" -- Matthew thinks Evan wants to play with him all the time!
Now, I'm NOT saying Evan is perfect (he's recently taken to lying!), but I am saying I wish he would have stayed three forever! My mom says four is the perfect age; we'll see, I don't know how it could beat this past year with my Evan.
Exercising Sucks!
I managed to accomplish my goal this week -- I worked out FIVE times even though one day school was delayed two hours because of snow.

While playing in the snow with the three boys, I tried to justify not working out because, after all, isn't pulling a two-year-old on a sled up a hill exercise enough? But then I thought of you, my faithful blogger readers, and I knew I had to meet my goal or I would really hear it from you. Thanks for keeping me on track! (Now, where are the kudos? Pats on the back? And wonderful words of encouragement?)

Here's one cute picture of our snow day -- Drew loved the snow (for about 20 minutes).
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