I asked Joel to tell me the best and worst part about first grade:
Best: "Playground"
Worst: "There was no worst part"
(Gee, he didn't mention missing mama. Maybe he was crying tears of joy too?)
OK, please allow me one small "brag" about Joel: I asked him whom he sat with at lunch and he told me this:
"Remember when Evan went to preschool, you told him to be a friend to someone who was sad or who didn't have a friend. I remembered that and saw Jimmie sitting alone at a table so I sat with him."
Now THAT makes a mama proud!
So once again... I see Ben's influence on his children... because we all know that Carrie would be where the action is... :) You know we love that about you, you social butterfly you.
UH. I'm totally choked up. That is SO incredibly sweet. What a good boy. I'm SO proud of him!
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