Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ode To Evan

This is a little late in publishing, but my little three-year-old Evan turned 4 on November 24 and it was one of the saddest days of my life as a mom. I LOVE three! Three is the best age because Batman, Superman and Spiderman are REAL; Mom and Dad are perfect; it's still OK to be bad sometimes (because "that's what toddlers do"); and discoveries happen every day. I begged Evan to stay three but he said he didn't want to because "I like birsday cake."

Evan is so much fun to be around -- he finds a friend wherever he goes -- and he gets so excited and animated about everything. One little boy, Matthew, in Evan's preschool class particularly likes him because Matthew, who has major speech delays, knows sign language and apparently when Evan waves his hands excitedly about something, the boy interprets Evan's hand gestures for the sign for "play" -- Matthew thinks Evan wants to play with him all the time!

Now, I'm NOT saying Evan is perfect (he's recently taken to lying!), but I am saying I wish he would have stayed three forever! My mom says four is the perfect age; we'll see, I don't know how it could beat this past year with my Evan.


Deborah Shurtz Higginbotham said...

GREAT pic of you and evan. Growing up just plain sucks in general... we should all be able to stay at 3-4 years old.

In the life of an Olin...... said...

This is a great pic of you and Evan :) He's a great kid! EMma adores him :)

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie!
Love, Aunt Mindy