Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Very First Blog

Welcome to the White House blog! I'm so proud of myself for learning how to do this -- I just hope it works!

I will tend to blog when I've had coffee so please, if I begin to ramble, just smile and nod knowing that it's just Carrie under the influence of caffeine.

Our family is preparing for our trip to Niger, West Africa. We leave on Thursday, June 7 and will return on July 7. Ben will be working as an Ob/Gyn at the hospital in Galmi for a Christian organization called Serving in Mission (SIM) while I wrangle the three boys in the "wilds of Africa." I hope to be able to blog while in Africa so if you're interested in finding out what or how we are doing, please check back frequently.



Stacey said...

AHHHHHHH! I love it! I am so proud of you for starting a blog!!!! I am slowly infiltrating the ranks of Calvary until one day we all are a blogging congregation! Mwahahahaha! (yes, that's my evil laugh).

Anonymous said...

How much fun will this trip be for the whole family! Take lots of pics and soak it all in! It will be great! Keep in touch and I will check back often to see the progress!

Joyce said...

We are in Cleveland looking at your blog. We love it. We are visiting Ralph's family. Take good care of yourselves on your trip. Wear lots of mosquito repellent and take lots of pictures. We look forward to hearing all about it.
Doyou have an actual address you can email?
Take care, Joyce and Ralph

Deborah Shurtz Higginbotham said...

i wanna blog....wahhhhhhh how come i dont gotta blog!!!! oh wait my my space has a blog site...never mind!!! you are smart as well as seem to take after your aunt debbie. I love you sweetie... my prayers will be with you and yours
love auntie deb

Elizabeth said...

Great blog!! You've come a long way from a hog-calling contest at the Pumpkin Show!!! I am still amazed at your journey to Africa!!! (And I thought Tennessee was a stretch...[cracking up!!]) Blessings to you all and safe travel. We are keeping you in our prayers!!! Can't wait to read the updates!

Ang said...

Carrie and Ben, I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for you on this trip. We will be praying for you over this next month. I cant wait to get together when you get back, you promised! If you get this comment while you are gone make sure to remind Evan what he is supposed to bring back for me! He is such a cutie! Love you guys, Ang

G'pa LeRoy said...

It was not a cold and windy night on the afternoon they landed. I wonder what the boys thought of their first blast of dry, 100'F+ Nigerien air?